
...nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone...

....Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth...

At 30 I'm as restless as I was at 13. I know I've changed over the years. The soul is a dynamic construct and, if fed properly and often, will continue to be dynamic. And continued dynamism necessarily results in change. Not all the changes are good, nor are they all bad. Ideally there's a little bit of both.

At any rate, certain things about me have not changed, such as this persistent and life-long restlessness; my deep and abiding love of New Orleans; the introversion. I do not ask myself why do these things not change? I do not think there is an answer. If there is one, it is most certainly complicated.

And so I accept these facets of the Self. I try to thrive in their heat, rather than wilt. I try to derive some usable lesson or skill, rather than be defeated. I try to work with these impulses, rather than internalize them....

...but all that to really say: I am restless. And I am, as always, particularly restless for Home.

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