
...thought I couldn't tell how to fall out...

...And I'll be anything you ask and more...

Those that know me and love me best know that I am an introvert, that extroversion is a mask I assume for my job, to function in society. Solitude is one of the greatest balms for what ails me, and most of my friends understand and respect that.

Then, I ask, why are some of them - including the Captain - disturbed by my silences? Silence for me is energy conservation, thinking time, and sometimes just a natural downtime, like for anybody else. Then why does it seem to bother others so? I think, just like everybody else, that I'm entitled to some downtime, to some wordless time, to some silence.

I want to tell people, when I'm wrapped in silence, that it's okay, nothing's wrong, I'm not mad, not upset - just in a natural state. Yes, silence is natural for me. I need it, like any other natural introvert.

...I'll be anything you ask and more...

....and no, I wouldn't let you think so...

Why is my silence so terrifying to others? My job means I wear a mask of extroversion, but those that know me best know I'm a natural introvert. Those that love me respect that introversion.

But even those that know me best, that love me, that respect my introversion, seem sometimes thrown by my silences, anxious to fill them, anxious to cover them? I wish they would just accept them for what they are - energy conservation, thinking time (of which I need much), and a little natural downtime.