
...thought I couldn't tell how to fall out...

...And I'll be anything you ask and more...

Those that know me and love me best know that I am an introvert, that extroversion is a mask I assume for my job, to function in society. Solitude is one of the greatest balms for what ails me, and most of my friends understand and respect that.

Then, I ask, why are some of them - including the Captain - disturbed by my silences? Silence for me is energy conservation, thinking time, and sometimes just a natural downtime, like for anybody else. Then why does it seem to bother others so? I think, just like everybody else, that I'm entitled to some downtime, to some wordless time, to some silence.

I want to tell people, when I'm wrapped in silence, that it's okay, nothing's wrong, I'm not mad, not upset - just in a natural state. Yes, silence is natural for me. I need it, like any other natural introvert.

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